Index des auteurs > Bouty Isabelle

Kanaan Nour, Bouty Isabelle, Adrot Anouck

Coordination has historically been associated to the concept of integration. In the emergent perspective, this association leads to the definition of different integrative conditions of coordination (Okhuysen & Bechky 2009). Consequently through integration, actors emphasize their commonalities and similarities, fostering a sense of belonging or cohesion that is conducive to the successful achievement of the coordination conditions. However, the fulfillment of the conditions of predictability, common understanding, and accountability seem difficult to achieve in contexts that are more conducive to fragmentation than integration (Wolbers et al. 2018). The analysis of two cross-border regions in which borders generate multiple differences opens up the debate between integration and fragmentation and question more broadly the ways in which coordination conditions can be achieved. From a practical perspective, our results show that integration is far from being the favored way for actors in cross-border regions to coordinate; their actions converging more towards change-over or fragmentation dynamics. Far from being detrimental to the coordination process, our results show that change-over and fragmentation can also serve the achievement of coordination conditions through the realization of a multitude of actions and complementary interfaces.

Montargès Rémi, Bouty Isabelle

Après 100 ans d’études sur le travail managérial, face à l’évolution des organisations et de leur contexte, il convient de se demander si le travail managérial n’a pas évolué depuis les premiers travaux fondateurs de Mintzberg en 1973 dans The Nature of Managerial Work. Par l’observation d’un manager opérationnel et l’enregistrement de ses activités au cours de sa journée, nous remarquons que les activités managériales sont sensiblement les mêmes depuis 50 ans. Les propositions de Mintzberg pour caractériser le travail managérial se vérifient pour la plupart ce qui remet en perspective la « nouvelle forme de travail managérial » identifiée par Tengblad (2006). Cela nous amène alors à se questionner sur quelles recherches et perspectives sont à réaliser pour mieux comprendre le travail managérial.

Bou-daher Giorgio, Garreau Lionel, Bouty Isabelle

The Resource Based View (RBV) provides a relevant lens to study how firms develop competitive advantage through strategic resources and capabilities. With the growth of partnerships strategies, the RBV evolved to consider externally owned or controlled resources and capabilities, leading to the concept of relational rent. However, this evolution was limited to short-term value cocreation initiatives in dyadic or multi-firm contexts. In the age of the platform economy, the nature of value cocreation with external resources and capabilities changed fundamentally. In this context, value cocreation with an ecosystem of external resources and capabilities through platform mediated networks leads to sustained relational rents. In this context value cocreation with external resources and capabilities also becomes a fundamental way in which firms conduct their activities rather than value cocreation being limited to the scope of a particular dyadic or multi-firm alliance. This study draws considerations from the networks, ecosystems, and platforms perspectives to propose a reformulation of the RBV that considers value cocreation with external resources and capabilities in the networks context and further extends our understanding of relational rents. It is based on a longitudinal, multiple-case study that examines modalities of 20 large European banks’ strategies over 12 years. We show that interdependence emerged as a key element of value creation through relational rents and propose a model that extends the previous view on relational rent. We demonstrate how interdependence enables value creation through interplay between internal and external resources in the platform age.