Flamand Guillaume, Baccouche Lobna
Understanding the bad side of arts-based methods in managerial development: A literature review and a proposed model

Our theoretical article contributes to the dynamic literature on arts-based methods in managerial development by identifying and exploring their 'bad side', that is their negatives. After having noted that the literature focuses on the positive side, we show the usefulness of considering the bad side. To explore it, we adjust Shepherd’s model of the 'Triple-Ds' (the dark side, downside and destructive side) of entrepreneurship to the case of managerial development and we analyze existing studies. We find that the dark side is rather well documented, that the effects of the downside are already supported, and that the destructive side is almost not considered despite its potential importance. We contribute by shedding light on this other overlooked side of arts-based methods, providing an initial picture of the existing understanding of the phenomenon, and presenting preliminary insights into how this bad side operates. Finally, we introduce a research agenda. Overall, we signal the importance of the 'bad' side of arts-based methods, which advances the literature and may improve the use of these promising yet complex methods.