Index des auteurs > Bunnens Léa

Bunnens Léa

Business Model Innovation has been recognized, from both a practice and an academic perspective, as a crucial challenge for mature companies gain or maintain their competitive advantage. Business Model Innovation changes how a firm does business, impacting the drivers and criteria of its performance and thus how the firm measures performance. However, research has yet to uncover how companies manage this transformation of performance measurement. We believe adapting performance measurement to business model innovation constitutes a real challenge for practitioners, as inadequate performance measures can lead to a mismanagement of the new business model and future firm directions. The purpose of this conceptual paper is to introduce a systematic literature review on performance measurement and its evolution linked to Business Model Innovation, in large companies. This review enables us to make four propositions for new areas of investigation. With this conceptual paper, we contribute to the literatures on Business Model Innovation and performance measurement. We advocate for more research on what we think constitutes an relevant challenge for scholars and practitioners alike.