Sprafke Nicole, Wilkens Uta
Proposition of an actor-centered measurement instrument for dynamic capabilities research

Strategic management research increasingly seeks to identify processes and activities that constitute dynamic capabilities. At this juncture, researchers try to open the ‘black box’ of a complex, causal ambiguous construct. Thus, the micro-foundations view goes along with sev-eral empirical challenges. In our study, we propose a quantitative measurement approach that uses action-based operationalizations to get to the core of actions and interactions that under-pin dynamic capabilities. We develop an actor-centered measurement instrument that address-es individual and organizational capabilities alike. We argue that surveying employees pro-vides a reliable and parsimonious way of analyzing the collective mind of organizational members which is supposed to be an adequate method to deal with the causal ambiguity ar-gument. Psychometric properties are tested in a sample of 486 employees in five German or-ganizations. We present results concerning dimensionality, reliability and validity. Finally, we briefly discuss recommendations for further developments and practical use of the instrument.