IJEBR Special Issue - From family entrepreneurship to family entrepreneuring, Montréal, 4-5 May 2020 - Paper Development Workshop + Appel à articles - 15 Avril 2021 - Montréal, ESG UQAM

For several decades, the fields of entrepreneurship and family business developed as separate knowledge domains (Holt, Pearson, Payne, & Sharma, 2018; Zahra & Sharma, 2004). Recently, the field of family entrepreneurship (Neubaum, 2018; Payne, 2018; Short, Sharma, Lumpkin, & Pearson, 2016) emerged at the intersection of family, entrepreneurship, and family business. While there has been an increasing interest in combining the distinct academic fields of entrepreneurship and family business (Aldrich & Cliff, 2003; Anderson, Jack & Drakopoulou Dodd, 2005), the early stages of creation of family businesses in entrepreneurial families (Alsos, Carter & Ljunggren 2014) and the emergence of entrepreneurial behaviours, identities and projects in the context of family businesses are underdeveloped areas of inquiry.
We would like to invite the authors interested in submitting to the special issue « From Family Entrepreneurship to Family Entrepreneuring » of the International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior and Research (to be confirmed) to present their work-in-progress to the Guest editors – Miruna Radu-Lefebvre, Olivier Germain and William B. Gartner during the Paper Development Workshop which will take place on May 4-5 2020 in Montréal, Canada.
The special issue and the Paper Development Workshop aim to draw attention to the emergence and becoming of family businesses and the actualizing of entrepreneurial behaviours, identities and projects in already existing family businesses.
For this Paper Development Workshop, we call for papers addressing the topic of family entrepreneuring with a focus on processes and practices relative to how business family members, couples and families do entrepreneurship. Steyaert (2007, p. 453) coined the notion of entrepreneuring to call for more processual inquiries in the field of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneuring is a processual, material, and relational phenomenon (Champenois, Lefebvre, & Ronteau, 2019; Hjorth, 2014; Hjorth & Reay, 2018) leading to the creation of new organizations (Gartner, 1993; Johannisson, 2011). We recognize that “familiness” does not always pre-exist entrepreneurial practices but also emerges through the process of entrepreneuring. We call for more processual inquiries in the field of family entrepreneurship, within an ontology of becoming (Chia, 1995). We think that this perspective of combining entrepreneuring and family business is unexplored and requires further theoretical and empirical explorations.

Olivier Germain -
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